Hi, my name is Alaa' Omar
I'm a Software Engineer.

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About me

Alaa' Omar

Experienced software engineer with a passion for building innovative software applications that conform to software construction principles and expedites the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success. Well-versed in technology to create systems that are maintainable and useable. A skilled leader who has the proven ability to motivate, educate, and manage a team to build software applications and effectively track changes.

Alaa' Omar is mainly interested in:

  • Learning American English, that's a passion.
  • Self-learning.
  • Reading Software engineering related books.
  • Doing researche in software engineering realted areas.
  • Trying everything new in the IT filed.

I don't pretend to know everything, but surely I have what it takes to accomplish anything.

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Content Aggregator

A Content Aggregator fetches information from different website sources and displays the aggregated information in one place, so you don’t have to visit multiple websites to get the latest info: one website is enough.

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  • Python flask, blueprints, requestes, and beutifualSoup for scraping.
  • Multithreading using future.concurent library
  • MongoDb
  • Bootstrap 3.5
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Mall Store

An implementation of a simple shopping mall in Java. The project is built using Design patterns.

The GUI Application is built using Java.

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  • Singlton
  • Abstract factory
  • Iterator
  • Observer
  • Composite
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Student Loan Data Mangment System

A Windows Application for the student loan fund data Mangment.

  • VB.NET
  • Telerik UI for WinForms
  • SQL Database

Iqrad Website

A web application for student loan fund.

  • VB.NET
  • Telerik UI
  • SQL Database
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Student Loan Fund eservices

A web application for student loan fund.

  • VB.NET
  • Telerik UI
  • SQL Database
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